Mario Rasetti

Name: Mario Rasetti

Born: Torino, Italy, 23
july 1941

Citizenship: Italy

Education: Italian
Doctor Degrees (Laurea) in Nuclear Engeneering and Mathematics, (Torino)

and PhD in Physics (Göteborg)

Professional address: Dipartimento
di Fisica del Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129 Torino,
Fondazione ISI, Villa Gualino, viale Settimio Severo, 65, 10133 Torino, Italia

Telephone: +39-011-564-7324/6730
(Politecnico), +39-011-660 30 90 (ISI)

+39-11-564 73 99 (Politecnico), +39-11-660 00 49 (ISI)



Professor, Statistical
Mechanics,Politecnico di Torino, (holds also the course of Superconductivity)

Director, Scuola di Dottorato,
Politecnico di Torino

General Secretary, ISI Foundation, Torino

President, GNSM of the CNR 
(till 31st December 2000)



Member of the IUPAP Council,
representative for Statistical Mechanics

Member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

Member of the Center for Non-linear Studies, Los Alamos Natl. Labs, Los Alamos,

James C. Maxwell Fellow of the King’s College, London, UK

Honorary Member of the Landau Institute, Moscow, Russia

Member of the Center for Theoretical Studies, Coral Gables, FLA, USA

in Societies and Academies

American Physical

American Mathematical Society

European Physical Society

The Academy of Sciences of Torino

New York Academy of Sciences


Member of the Advisory
Board of the International Journal of Modern Physics B

Member of the Advisory Board of Modern Physics Letters B

Member of the Editorial Board of Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

Referee for:

Journal of Physics: A Mathematical and General, C Condensed Matter; Physical
Review: A, B, D, E; The Physical Review Letters; Geometry and Physics; Il Nuovo
Cimento; The International Journal of Modern Physics: A, B; Modern Physics Letters
B; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Physica: A, D; Mathematical Physics Letters;
Physics Letters A, B.

Referee for the NSF (US National Science Foundation), NATO, US Army, ESF (European
Science Foundation), EU - DG XIII – Swiss Science Foundation, projects in theoretical
condensed matter physics, statistical mechanics, non-linear dynamics

Director of several workshops, conferences and schools


Theory of Condensed
Matter (superconductivity), Statistical Mechanics (many electron and spin [classical
and quantum] systems), Theory of Non-linear Dynamical Systems, Quantization,
Quantum Optics and Computation, Josephson Junctions dynamics


Author or co-author
of more than 160 papers on scientific journals, 2 books. Invited lecturer at
over 70 international conferences, workshops and schools.


The most relevant
(recent) contributions in the various areas are:

  1. the formulation
    of a quantum theory of vortices (with T. Regge), and, therein, the full description
    within the quantum framework in terms of currents – represented as Chen integrals
    – of the topological invariants of the vortex support;

  2. the exact solution
    of a wide class of classical spin models in statistical mechanics (Ising-like),
    in particular the rigorous proof of equivalence of the Ising model in 3-d
    with quantum gravity in (2+ 1)-d and the interpretation of the Yang-Baxter
    equations as representations of the braid group;

  3. the theoretical
    description of the superconductive transition in high Tc as breaking
    of the global super-symmetry, the formulation of a model of strongly correlated
    electrons accounting for the metal-insulator transition in the high
    Tc superconductors, the discovery of a novel q - algebraic
    global symmetry in the Hubbard model with phonons, the discovery of off-diagonal
    long-range order in the bosonic Hubbard model (Josephson junction arrays);

  4. the theoretical
    construction of novel non-eudidean crystallographic structures generalizing
    the family of fullerenes, and the exact solution, over them, of many-electron

  5. the construction
    of the explicit hamiltonian for the generation of number-phase minimum uncertainty
    states (with the notion of fractionary photon), and its application to the
    implementation of the Shor algorithm for factoring in quantum computation;

  6. the construction
    of decoherence-free states for quantum computation; the definition
    of the notion of "holonomic" quantum computation;

  7. the identification
    of chaos in non-linear or topological (simbolic) dynamical systems
    with the Gödelian undecidability of the world problem for a related group.

  8. the identification
    of the dynamical algebra of Josephson junctions.