and address:

Salvatore Monaco, Professor

            Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica  «Antonio Ruberti »

            University of Rome "La Sapienza"

            via Eudossiana 18 - 00184 Rome Italy

was born in Udine, Italy, on January 17, 1951. He is married with two children.


got his «  Laurea »  in Electrical Engineering  from the University
of Rome "La Sapienza" in 1974 and a « Corso di Specializzazione »
in System and Control Sciences from the same University in 1976.


« Research
Fellow » of the University of Rome from 1974 to 1981, « Associate
Professor »  of Control Theory at the University of Rome from 1981 to 1986
and « Full Professor » of System Theory from 1986 at the University
of l'Aquila and, from 1989, at the University of Rome  « La Sapienza ».

He was « Chargé
de Recherche » of the french CNRS – « Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique » ,  at the Laboratory of Signal and Systems (L2S) in Gif-sur-Yvette
for several months in 1983 and 1985; « Professeur Associé »  at the « Université
de Paris Sud-Orsay » in 1987 and «Directeur de Recherche»  of the CNRS
in 1991, 1993 and 1996.


coordinated  several research groups and participated at different levels to
the organization of international conferences from 1984 :

national projects in System and Control Theory, supported by the italian Ministerium
of University and Scientific and Tecnological Research – MURST, in 1989, 1991,
1993, 1995, 1997;

projects on “Spacecraft Control ” supported by the Italian Space Agency
– ASI – for the development of fundamental research  in space, 1990, 1993, 1997,
2000 ;

“ Orbital Control ” a coordinated project at the University of Rome
'La Sapienza' supported by the MURST, 1992 to present ;

co-responsible of European Networks on Digital Control and Hybrid Systems in
1991 and 1998 respectively.

of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Space Agency - ASI, from 1989 to
1994, representing information technology communities ;

From 1991 to 1997, he served as member of the Executive Council of the European
Control Community Association  - EUCA.


elected at the Executive Council of the University of l'Aquila, where he served
from 1986 to 1989  participating  to several commissions for research and didactic

promoted and coordinated the organization of new curricula in Engineering :

a degree of "Laurea" in Automatic Control at the University of Rome
"La Sapienza", activated from 2001 ;

a Master "post-laurea" in the Engineering of the Emergency, in cooperation
between « La Sapienza » and gouvernemental organisms.

promoted the constitution of a Committee, il « Comitato delle technologie sostenibili
per il sviluppo humano » between the University « La Sapienza » 
and humanitary institutions,  for developing initatives on «the sustenible
technologies for human development ».

Member, from
june 2000, of the Executive Council of « NETTUNO »  - a consortium
between italian universities  coordinating multimedia and distance learning
-, representing the University of Roma « La Sapienza », he is, from
october 2000, Responsible of its « Polo Tecnologico » : the unit
which delivers education by distance learning at the University « La Sapienza ».

Member of
the SEFI, « Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs »,
representing the University of l'Aquila – from 1986 to 1989 -, he promoted since
the eighties exchanges of students in the framework of European Programmes for
the mobility. Member of the Commission ERASMUS-SOCRATES of the University of
Rome « La Sapienza », he promoted mobilities and agreements for the
achievement of double titles between the University of Rome and some french 
« Grandes Ecoles ».

From 2000,
he coordinates a project  supported by the italian MURST, for potentiating the
mobility between Italy and France at the different levels of the universitary
education and for designing curricula which can be recognized in the two countries.

Member of the Scientific Committee of the University « franco-italienne/italo-francese »,
an inter-governamental institution for coordinating exchanges and cult