In order to study, choose your subject, there you will find the various learning environments (videolessons, slides, books and articles, multimedia, bibliography, webographies, labs, interactive exercises, forums, interactive classes) and lecturers/tutors who will interactively follow your learning process.
Clicking on the name of the selected course, you will display the programme with information related to the description of the course, prerequisite and contents are displayed.
Clicking on the name of the Professor, you will display the links to the course programme and to the learning environments devoted to the on-line videolessons, to the more-in-depth didactic material, to the exercises and to on-line tutoring.
Specific objectives of the course
The courses comprised into the Vocational Training sector are thirteen and they refer to several areas of interest.
For each Vocational Training Courses learning environments host all produced didactic materials and they allow to trigger an interaction process among the different actors of the educational process, that is to say tutors and students.